Sanitation refers to the control of infectious organisms (Bacteria, virus, etc.), the removal of excess organics (perspiration, urine, body oils) and the prevention of algae growth.
Stabilizer prevents the chlorine from dissipating from the swimming pool when exposed to sunlight (UV rays). Super pucks (stabilized chlorine tablets) are the most commonly used sanitizer for outdoor swimming pools in Canada. In order to maintain a constant chlorine reading of 1-3 ppm, super pucks can be added to the skimmer basket of a pool or placed in a chlorinator.
Contaminants such as perspiration, body oils, and suntan lotions can build up and become resistant to normal chlorine levels. When chlorine gets tied up with these contaminants it forms chloramines.
Chloramines can cause skin and eye irritation, chlorine odour, promote algae growth and cloudy water. A “shock” treatment is recommended once a week to burn-off (or oxidize) these contaminants.
Pool Pure Shock is a 65% concentrated chlorine that should be pre-mixed in a pail of water and distributed evenly around the pool. Do not pour shock through the skimmer. The best time to use shock is last thing in the evening because it will raise both the pH and chlorine level. They will both return to normal after a few hours. It is recommended to keep the pool blanket off during this process.
Algae are microscopic forms of plant life that enter the pool through wind and rain. There are many types of algae, some of which are resistant to regular chemical treatment. For this reason, it is easier to prevent existing algae than to kill an existing growth. Pool Pure Algae 40 is a highly concentrated algae preventative and killer recommended for pools. Pool Pure Algae 40 kills algae as it enters the pool, thus preventing it from gaining a foothold and becoming a serious problem. If the pool has algae, use Pool Pure Shock and Pool Pure Algae 40 according to directions.
The water in the swimming pool must be “balanced” so that it is neither corrosive nor scaling. The three main parameters of water balance are pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness.
pH is the measurement of the relative acidity and basicity of water. pH is measured on a scale that runs from 0-14; pool water should always be kept in the range of 7.2-7.8 to keep the pH in the proper parameters. Maintaining proper pH is an important part of water balance and bather comfort.
T.A. measures the amount of carbonates and bicarbonates in pool water. They are buffering agents that control the stability of pH and prevent corrosive water. The proper range of T.A. in a swimming pool is 100-150 ppm, pool water should be tested for total alkalinity at least once a month and adjustments made either adding alkalinity booster or lowering T.A. by using a pH reducer.
Calcium hardness should be maintained between 200-250 ppm, low calcium can lead to corrosive water and high calcium can cause scaling. Adjustments should be made three times per season.